Does the idea of going for a walk with your pup leave you feeling like you need to prepare with an arm workout? Are they focused on everything but you? If you are looking to have a more enjoyable walking experience with your pup you’re in the right place! Walks are something you and your pups should do together and, like a conversation, it takes two to make it happen. In these sessions, one of our certified trainers will work with your pup to lay the foundation for loose leash walking, and then transfer those skills over to you in your final session. Let’s get those walking skills super charged so that you and your best bud can go out and explore the city streets together – without the struggle.

What’s Included

Initial Session (60 minutes)
An initial in person session to deep dive with your trainer on your pup’s history, and build the framework of their training plan.

Walk and Train Sessions (6 Sessions) (45 minutes each)
Your trainer will take your pup out for a walk and train session to work on the discussed skills.

Skill Transfer Session (45 minutes)
At the end of your pup’s six sessions, you will meet with your trainer to review the skills worked on during the walk and train sessions, so that you can continue working them fluently.

Online Journaling
Your trainer will journal each session online for you to review. You will also be able to add your own journal entries, which your trainer can respond to with tips and feedback.

Cost: $800 | Duration: 4 weeks

Take a look at our frequently asked questions for more information about our private sessions.

What dogs are not candidates for Walk and Train?

Walk and Train is not appropriate for dogs with a bite history or reactivity unless they have completed a reactivity package with The Pet Republic and been approved by their trainer.

What is a Walk and Train Package?

Your first session will consist of an assessment portion (the talking and asking questions portion where your trainer works to create your plan or see how it’s going) and training plan implementation (the doing portion.) The subsequent six follow up sessions – 45 minutes each – are when your dog will go out with their trainer to work on the discussed skills. At the end of the six sessions, you will meet in person with your trainer a final time to “transfer” the skills they’ve been working on over to you, so that you can continue practicing them fluently.

What methods do your use for training?

We are a LIMA-based facility, meaning we use the least intrusive, minimally aversive methods to train and modify behavior without pain or fear. We focus on using positive reinforcement to teach the dog what TO do. We do not use e-collars, prongs, or choke collars.

How long will it take you to fix my dog?

This is a tough one that we get asked frequently! The journey of every dog is different. Together, you and your trainer will guide your dog on the path towards optimal behavior. How far you get on that path depends on MANY factors, some of which are out of our control (past history, case severity, medical issues and genetic factors), some that are within the owner/handler control (training plan adherence and frequency, family buy-in, and management) and some within the dog trainer’s control (proper assessment, making sure to impart excellent technical training technique and the anticipation of potential roadblocks.)

This is just a long way of saying: every dog is different and therefore every training journey we take with them is different. Many families see us for private sessions just once, and many families with more nuanced or severe cases see us more. 

Is there a cancellation policy?

Yes! Our policy requires all cancellations or reschedules to be initiated at least 72 hours before the session is scheduled. Unfortunately, if the it is initiated less than 72 hours in advance, it will result in the loss of the session.

The Pet Republic | 2400 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02140 | 617-520-4922 | office@powertothepet.com